Monday 18 June 2012

Lim Guan Eng’s Big Lies Starting To Show

Lim Guan Eng aka God’s answer to Chinese Malaysians is feeling panicky.
We hear he has been like a cat on a hot tin roof after the deputy Prime Minister entered his territory in Bagan. The crowd was incredible and Muhyiddin Yassin gave a blistering speech and poked holes in all the lies and boastful claims that Lim Guan Eng has been making the last 4 years.
He shredded the CM’s boast that millions of ringgit of foreign investment poured into Penang just months after he became CM.  Remember the promised multi-million investments by Blackberry and the plan to build a golf course by the South Koreans on the mainland?
They were all big fat lies.
Guan Eng almost got screwed big time by wanting to build a tiger park until he realized he was dealing with notorious animal smuggler Anson!
Muhyiddin pointed out that investments do not pour in overnight or even over a few months. Investors do serious economic and political risks studies, they have to go through MIDA the federal agency handling foreign investments, then they have to make sure there is enough manpower and resources etc.
People are starting to see through his lies and the way he twists and turns things. The intelligent people can see that he is very inexperienced and boastful but they want to give him a chance so they keep quiet for now.
But not for long. They are getting irritated with his style. Every time he opens his mouth, he runs down the country. What kind of Malaysian is he?
A few days ago, he was talking about how Malaysians are flocking to Australia in droves because they are not happy in this country.
Lim Guan Eng, if you and Betty and big daddy are not happy, please don’t assume that everyone else is not happy.
In fact, we suspect that you, at least, are very happy – lots of power in your hands, driven around in PG1 (the kind of specialised number plate that your friend Nizar ex MB is against), a pretty girlfriend called Chai Hong Rainbow, and everyone in your DAP kingdom terrified of you – with the exception of Teng Chang Khim and Karpal Singh.
Muhyiddin also announced that federal government will be building low-cost housing in Seberang Perai because the DAP government has failed to build even one unit of housing for the poor.
Instead it is giving land to developers to build convention centres and condos and shopping malls – like the SPICE project and the Bayan Mutiara Bay project.
He has practically raped all the hills in Penang for the developers. He shifted the blame to the previous state government but he forgot his state exco member Chow Kon Yeow announced the DAP approved 19 projects and his Tanjung Bungah ADUN said more would be built!
He then bluffed his way by saying the DAP government imposed a height criteria on all projects – our Dear Leader forgot that every new building – even an inch- adds more pressure on the hills.
It does not matter how high or how low.
The day after Muhyiddin announced the low cost housing, the kiasu CM quickly claimed that the state government would acquire land to build low cost homes.
Er, Mr CM, only after 4 years in power that you realised you have not been thinking of the poor?
Oh, we get it, your mind has been busy with capturing Putrajaya and becoming PM. Thanks, Karpal Singh, for letting the cat out of the bag.
Guan Eng now says he wants to buy land to build low cost houses – after he has sold every inch of the land to the developers!
It is tragic that Lim Guan Eng is talking low cost housing only after Muhyiddin announced plans for the poor in Penang.
Playing catch up, you know. The so-called champion of the people has obviously been championing himself and the DAP rather than the people the last 4 years.
Residents in Jelutong, Penang, have been complaining about pollution, a fire burning in the rubbish dump site there.
He cannot even put out the fire in the dump site but he is dreaming of Putrajaya. As someone on Twitter said: What a dumb arse!


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